Kish Touristic Attractions

Kish Touristic Attractions

  • Ancient Harrireh City
Remains of the city Harrireh along the harbor buildings and offices, are visible.According to organization of Cultural Heritage, Harrireh City is eight hundred years old antiquity. Expanse of valleys and highlands ruins of the old city Harrireh is 120 hectares and one period was a big and Prosperous city in the area.

  • Kariz Underground City
Kish duct antiquity plus 2500 years old. And provide fresh water for Residents of the Island. Kish duct from the perspective length of duct and depth of the wells isnot comparable to other ducts of Iran. But concerning the very low slope of island, How to conduct groundwater to the surface in Kish is very important and shows that in his time the most advanced methods used to dig canals.

  • Corals Beach Park
Coral Beach Park which located adjacent to the market is one of the most beautiful Sightseeing in Kish that linked the Marjan market to the sea. Many travelers and residents spent their leisure hours in the park and enjoy the beautiful scenery of coastal cult.

  • Green tree
At the end of the longest path ancient alluvial Kish ،Surface water is part of the North Island down to the valley are famous Portuguese. This particular area of greenery. Around one of the oldest trees Lower in the island, Green Tree collection is constructed.

  • Grand recreational pier in Kish

Grand recreational pier in Kish built with method of pile of metal and wooden deck with four spaces satellite by Iranian experts. This dick length 437 meter, 18 meters wide,And an area of 10 thousand square meters, there is no deleterious effects on marine habitats, and tourists can stroll on the pier to see the diverse landscapes and colorful fish and coral reefs to enjoy the island.

    • Traditional water storage

One way to save drinking water in ancient times in Kish Island, was Construction of water storage. The building architecture is reminiscent of the old days and for domestic and foreign tourists is very interesting.

  • Dolphin Park and garden birds
Dolphin Park leisure complex with an area of 100 hectares, Located in the southeast of the island.The collection includes green space with a variety of different plant species, birds and the first and only dophinariom in Iran.

  • Greece ship

In the West Island a giant ship on the shores of the azure Kish is a good fit which the famous Greek ship.on a warm day in the summer of 1345, the indigenous people of the island suddenly saw a huge ship was aground near the baghoo village. Yet after so many years due to the grounding of the ship is so elusive, but is said because foggy weather and lack lighthouse on the coast of the island, this happened.